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do you by chance have discord server in which fans can support the game?


There will be a discord link for everyone to join once v0.2.0 launches on June 5th (5 days).

(1 edit)

101% Must Play!!

I was amaze by the artwork and the story line was so exiting aswell cant wait for the next update especially the little watchmen hehe.

ooooohhhh. finally! a vn with magical items and mages ahahahaah this is a very exciting game....  i wonder what kind of adventure is waiting for that big guy wew... the mc is so damn hot! hrrmm... it should be fun if in some part of the ga,e the mc will be separated from the two... and have some fun hahaha . well good luck!! 5 stars for the win!

(2 edits) (+2)

Really interesting story, amazing art style, very good looking characters. Pervader has the potential to be one of the best visual novels.

Pervader is turning into my favorite visual novel already, I can't wait to see more.

PS: I'm already in love with Jymsar


I’m glad you’ve decided to pursue a more linear style of VN. I think a lot of authors get really caught up in the ambitious “player” choice driven story which usually ends up more polarizing rather than personal 😂. There’s a reason great narratives aren’t asking you to try and change a bunch of shit. Good luck bro 


Thanks. I think you can make interesting stories with lots of choices, but yeah it would be a lot tougher. I spent a lot of time ironing out the plot and realized that if I had to account for too many player choices, then things would quickly spiral out of control.

(1 edit)

The writing and story so far is absolutely marvelous. Looking forward to the updates to come~

-the art as well, something about it is very organic 



This does have sex scene right?


Not yet. That will happen much later in the story.

Hey, I really like the flow of the story. Art direction is solid too. I really want to see what happens next so I want to support you. You will be getting another patron this June. 

I like it!! I loved the style and the art, it's really fresh and natural. Keep going!

I was very impressed! It is hard for me to find an interesting plot with good art, good music and attractive main character.  And all this things i have found in Pervander. Music and art (both Characters and Background) are excellent 5/5. Story is intriguing. I really want to see the next chapter. May be when i am released by my credits i will support the project.

The main character is very attractive. Here's hoping we get to see him get nice and intimate in some CGs!

The first chapter has fascinated me a lot, not only because of the characters, the story has developed quite well in this chapter and the plot is incredible, I was hooked from the first minutes, not to mention that the music is wonderful. Excellent work. I look forward to the next chapter.

This first chapter was FANTASTIC! Ah I can't wait to see where this project goes. :) While I love the artwork and the sprites, (also that UI is really clean and very nice) the writing really is the part that shines the most here. In this first episode I already care so much about all of the characters so you're clearly doing something right. 

I look forward to supporting your patreon soon! :) 

ohh! this looks fun... the character.. wow .... this is gonna be a big and popular game soon.. haha keep it up bros

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll say this: Pervader has a lot of promise! It's apparent that plenty of thought has went into the premise and narrative. VNs are plentiful, but I can tell this will be one worth waiting for.

Yes, I Agree with you on that :)


It does take a bit of courage to get this out, but I mean... I'm a proud, out and flaming homosexual, so I'll be fine.

You have my upmost respect. I hope you can work on this project, and never get tired of it, for years to come.

Though I have one question: When you were talking about 3 or more parts, what did you mean by that? I am intrigued (and hopeful...)...

All of us, let's expect Giga will receive the glory, honor and of course support he undoubtedly deserves!

You are programmer, writer and artist united in one person, yes? What to even say, seriously... It doesn't occur to me how it's humanly possible managing everything in only one month. How is keeping your sanity still a thing?

                          ---Warning! silly joke ahead!---

You also deserve a harem (not wanting is totally fine by me and unless you've found someone) of boyfriends who live together with you in a castle, high up in the sky, so you can look down on us mere humans, because you ascended. In the words of OPM: You broke your limiter ...or in the words of 

                                  Undone – FFH Thema

                                          We all want love

                                        We all want honor

                    But nobody wants to pay the asking 


(except you)

You are inspiring me to work hard on my goals. Thanks a bunch.


Programmer, me? Nawww... FYI Ren'Py isn't actually that complicated. It's pretty easy to get a project going if you have some ideas and assets. I started learning it about three weeks before launching Pervader. If you really want to be impressed with what you can program in Ren'Py I suggest you check out something like Killigan's Treasure or Minotaur Hotel.

The fact that I managed to work it out by myself should tell you it's easier than you imagine, and should inspire you and everyone else to work on your own projects.

As far the 3 part thing, you will see that there is more to the world of Pervader than what meets the eye. There's a lot I want to do in this space, but that will become more obvious in the future. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I can't wait to see your reactions to some of the stuff I have planned!

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Actually, I want to become a programmer, soon in fact.

Oh? I know both of those. Although, more impressive to me would be something like Robin Morningwood Adventure. Well, I'm not sure, The Minotaur Hotel hasn't been on my radar, yet. However, RMA could've been created with another, more powerful and less known/popular engine.

I guess you are a humble person then? Because you working on that project all alone is an impressive feat no matter what.

And I'll be here waiting~

(Don't take the stuff I wrote above too seriously. But I mean the nice things I said)

The fact that it's linear is significant in it being simple to use :P But yeah, you really don't need to know how to program to use Ren'Py. You need to know some very basic Python for nonlinear VNs, but it's almost nothing as far as knowledge; the difficulty is in planning out the paths and which variables you need where and when, because you could end up needing to either completely rework older code, or repeat the same lines of code over and over again.

I'm glad Alen wasn't used as the father-figure trope that gets killed to inspire the protagonist to go on his journey, but instead is romance route for those with a daddy fetish.

Sorry to be pushy but do u know when you'll be able to make another chapter? Sorry again😅


June 5th will be the next update

YAY! thank you ❤️❤️


This is amazing, with only playing the first chapter I can't wait to see what is next :)

btw saddle u should open a discord for this game connects people and its a way to advertise this vn :)

He did, though I am a patron, I don't know if it's only for us or not.

You should check out his patron page. 


Stay tuned for next update, there will be a Discord link ready for everyone ;)

Ohhh new furry VN game, I love it!!

O ok thanks for letting me know

so about the Android version is there only one chapter in it cause thats all i got

(1 edit) (+1)

There is only one chapter in all versions. The next chapter will be available next month.

hey this is pretty good =)


i really enjoyed this so far! The magic system is really well done, and the story overall is very well written. I can't wait to play more ^_^


Well i played a lot of furry related VN's and finally there is a new one with good and enough content. Im really looking forward for new updates . GJ :)

Also will there be nsfw content / relationships?


Yes, but that is long way away.

NW the content is still super good cant wait :)

Did you draw inspiration from Dragon Age and possibly Final Fantasy XIII ?


Not really. Haven't even played FFXIII.

Some time after I started developing the world it dawned on me that Dragon Age had a similar mage/antimage dynamic, but I didn't seek to pull any inspiration from it.

Cool concept, looking forward to what you'll do with it. 


I really like the game! Already posted most of my thoughts in discord. I just want to elaborate a bit more on something I feel you missed..

Humans are not very noble in what they find attractive. Yes most of us will like someone that is nice, but we don't into a rabid rage to find a nice person.

I'll list some examples from other vns:

* amicus (emperor of a fucking space wolf planet)

* grifter (coach, authority figure)

* spencer (very hard working and independent sport player)

* darius (mega rich playboy)

In short, things like: wealth, authority, power, independence etc are attractive.

Now i'm not saying a character can't be attractive if they don't have any of these traits, but they need to stand out relatively. In other words, they need to shine like a diamond among a bunch of rocks.

So if most people in the world are poor slum dwellers, someone that has a house would count. But if there's someone else with a mansion, that house owner would pale in comparison.

In your case, marshall and his son. One is a high ranking person with a LOT of authority, and the other is his servant basically. See the problem?

Alen also has a problem where he lives his life as almost a slave to the enemy empire..

Another aspect is the forbidden fruit. In essence, the more impossible it seems to date that character, the more people would DESIRE to do it. (straight looking guy, childhood friend that is probably straight, fucking planet's emperor... you get the idea)

I will conclude this lecture for now. If you want more in depth analysis i'm free :3


My hope is that as the story progresses, the characters will grow on you. There's lots to learn about them!

Yea i'm hoping for that too. I can't know what you have in plan.


Your point is so convoluted and excessively long that the only thing I got after reading it twice was that you’re extremely critical of a first build that has a ton of depth to it.  You’re essentially telling him if his “dateable” characters don’t fit the mold of what you specifically, or as you say “humans” like, then the game is bad.  I couldn’t disagree more, he said it was mostly linear, let him tell the story try to make your criticism more constructive.


"Now i'm not saying a character can't be attractive if they don't have any of these traits, but they need to stand out relatively."

You read my post twice but didn't notice i said this. My main point was that the datable characters shouldn't be overshadowed by others, else people will thirst for the undatable ones.

I already praised the game on discord and 5 starred it here. I don't think i'm being "too critical". This was just a suggestion to the dev so he would have less problems in the future.

Such defensive attitude seems unneeded.

do you have a twitter?


Yes, same as my name.

Wow! the world building is impressive and I love Reamus's thoughtful personality, Besure to post your game on FurryVisualNovel reddit to make people know more about your game! 


So far the art is beautiful, the plot is interesting, though I was hoping to see some magic showcase or magic explosion showcase. 

Not sure if these are all characters that will be in this game because this world is big and I think we can have more characters too. *Mostly because all the potential date do not perk my interest (too old, too young) lol XD.

Excited to see more as the future unfold. Not sure which direction are you going, but I feel like the plot is a little bit too serious and could use some fun? Not like joke fun, but just something easy, bright, hopeful. But if the theme is fantasy serious then i understand

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This was amazing.... I was glued to the screen the entire time. So excited to see more of this. Also, Jymsar is adorable.


I'm usually not into linear VNs, but you've developed quite the story here. It's longer than other linear VNs I've played already and it's just the first chapter. Definitely looking forward to Chapter 2.

Interesting to say the least! Though a small bit of critisim. The story so far is rather stuck in the main character's head. Having the main character tell the players how they think or feel isn't a bad thing per say, but it's one of those things that can really bog the story down if your not careful. The story is already kind of exposition heavy right now, so adding the additional internal musing kind of slows the pace down a bit too much. It's fine if you want to make a main character that is thoughtful, just make sure that the main character gets pulled out of his own head fairly regularly. In fact it could make for some good character dynamics if you want to pursue it.


I'll take that into account. It's a tough thing to balance, however Reamus is his own character. He will have his own opinions on what happens in the story.


It's been a few days so I could be misremembering, but doesn't Alen actually notice the MC kind of spacing out in his own head? I thought there was a line about that. So it seems like it's a personality trait rather than overexposition.

(2 edits) (+2)

Aykm (Are you kidding me???)

Well, hopefully you can find something useful in there. I could always write a more detailed review later, after I finished, just so you know. ;)

I don't know for how much longer the game goes on, but I had to write it now. This could possibly be the best written visual novel, I've ever read. No Joke. Everyone knows Tennis Ace, Echo, Extracurricular Activities, Morenatsu, Repeat, Adastra, maybe WSSAP (Wolfstar Sins and Paradise) too and many more ...So, after having read the fate of Reamus for a while now, I'm pretty much certain [Pervader] takes it up a notch. The story flows along, draws you right in and is just really captivating.

I wonder, if you can beat Major\Minor to it. That game is indeed a visual novel, though there's no romance involving the protagonist. The speciality lays in it's relatively dark (not as dark as Echo, as a way point), fantastic fantasy story.

Well, back to your game. I simply love it, and think about supporting you on Patreon, like I have done and do for a few other visual novel creators.

If you can keep up the quality of the writing, that I believe you can, then you are on making something magnificent. The premise is at least as good as, and reminds me of Project Aego, for some reason. A game, which is no longer in development sadly. Now that I braught PA up, I have to ask. Is Pervader going to be a horror game, or have horror elements? I actually like horror to some extent, but please... No more Echo-like horror! (And there's even a prequel *shudder*) I would go so far to calling it on a similar level frightening, as Lovecraftian horror, because there's no hoping of a better future either, so to say. Although, Call of Cthulhu is a great game. And yes, I also like Lovecraftian, a lot, but not with romance... A happy ending is a must-have in a love story, don't you think? If there's one good one then there can be as many atrocious one's as needed.

Wait, Ahh I see. A comment down under spoilers it. In the end, I don't have to ask at least. ^^

I can't believe I've got so lucky, to have found Pervader, when it was launched only a day ago... You honestly should make this pay to play, but the fact you don't makes the game propably even better for most.

~from Germany, as we say: I wish you success! (not luck, or let's say both, if that sounds better)

PS: Everyone in search for more visual novels of the same kind, look on my profile. It has pretty much all good furry VN's itch has to offer. ;) (Of course there are more outside of itch, some I do know of as well) Tell me, should I have missed some.

I still have to play tons, tons which can only be played on a pc, yeah....


The game isn't horror, but there are some dark moments in the game. I'm sure you'll be happy to see what's in store!

Deleted 1 year ago

Discovering new, better VN's doesn't make sense to you? Mind your own business, thanks... I mean what I say, and I never lie! (Only people, who lie, would not believe me) Maybe I do exaggerate sometimes, but I am honestly hyped for these games. Many show a great amount of potential. With this one having the most, in my opinion, because it's not the typical highschool VN. I used to read absolute tons of books, so I know what I'm talking about. The longest book series I read is also the longest science-fiction book series, with 144 books currently. Name's Perry Rhodan.

Yes, this I admit. Although, Pervader is so well written that it's astonishing. More dialogues, as one of the other commenters mentioned, is the only thing that needs adjustment. Btw, out of all the about 30 VN's I played, Pervader really seems to be the best written one. 

Do you not have more and better accusations?


wowwwwwwww the length and quality of the first build is incredible. im excited to see how the story pans out

This game has a lot of potential.  I really love this and the story so far is great! Can't wait for the further updates of it.

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You can become intimate (in all the ways you can imagine) with either Alen or Jymsar. Hope you find them pleasing ;)

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Nope, sorry! He doesn't swing that way.

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I think Sam is a bit more fluffy. They're just the same species and they are two different artists


I'm ashamed to say I haven't picked up Smoke Room yet.

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(2 edits)

This was one of the best demos I've ever played, and I've played lots. The writing was superb, the backgrounds were masterfully drawn (at some point I couldn't tell if they were pictures or drawings!) and the chracters are all nicely written and designed. I hope this project grows. I suggest adding expressions (but perhaps you're already working on those?) And considering that you're working on this alone, this is a top-notch beginning. Keep going, dude.


Yes, new sprites with different expressions are in the works. Thank you!

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