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needing Raemus and Jymsar cuddles right about now

(1 edit) (+2)

Will it be possible to play through without forming a relationship with a character but still being on good terms with them? I've never been a fan of mentor-student relationships turning romantic, so whilst I'm definitely going to try and pursue a relationship with Jymsar in one playthrough I was wondering if it'll be possible to follow Alen but stay platonic with him without just getting him to strongly dislike you.


I'd recommend going with Jymsar and entirely skipping Alen's route in that case. There isn't going to be a large difference between the two routes anyway, other than more intimate scenes with the route character along the journey.

I haven't thought about not having romance in the routes, but I don't think it's likely to happen.

There won't be a big difference depending on the choice of route ? Isn't that a bit... Strange? I don't want to criticize and upset you but if we are to choose one or the other it should go without saying that there will be an impact on the story in someway.

The story is still awesome, I don't want to make it sound like it's bad. It's amazing!! 

I was looking forward to this so much! Thank you!


Its here!


Oh yes!

is this nsfw

There is a section separate from the main atiende that is nsfw, and the main story is getting nsfw content soon, so yeah it is


For everyone who doesn't know, I think the next update is taking a while to come out because GigaSaddle has been working on the backgrounds for the next update of the game Minotaur Hotel by Minoh Workshop & Nanoff as well as their own. I don't know if that is the reason it's taking a while, but that is my best assumption. (And Giga can correct my assumption this if I am wrong.)

thanks anyway!


still waiting for the game to update hope the writer is ok and may you be well! Link out!


The 8.0 update is out on his discord, I just don't think he got around to updating the Itchio page

cool thank you

discord? can i have a link?

P.S could you send me a link to the discord I'd like that


Hey just dropping in to say the amount of effort put into every background, every sprite, all the lines of dialogue and choices which actually feel impactful, is jaw-droppingly amazing.

especially the backgrounds like holy shit you've rendered backgrounds that must've taken you days that only last for like 15 minutes in-game, what the fuck that's amazing and they all look so gorgeous aaa-




While we wait



Pov it's July 11: 👁️👄👁️

(1 edit) (+1)


Was there supposed to be an update today or something? It s also July 11th for me but I wasn’t expecting anything today

Lmao gigasaddle was supposed to upload the next part of the journey the 8th.😂🖐️


Oh….well at least not rushing it to give us crap y’know?


Exactly 😂 take all the time ya need gigasaddle

Hello again



¿Cómo estas?

Muy Bien y you?


any news?

Deleted 3 years ago

Love the ilustrations and the story! Somewhat reminds me of a TTRPG i've played, but with furrys haha

Can't wait for the next update! ❤


Love this VN! I am excited for any new updates. Everwind was a fun character. The worldbuilding is superbly done. The character development is outstanding, specially Jymsar's journey. I am also excited for when Alen becomes a romantic option.

So um, how many dateable characters are in the game?


2, (at least so far)

which are the datable characters

Jymsar and Alen

When the next update?


In a few days.







(1 edit) (+8)

Sorry for the delays. Bad planning on my part as I couldn't finish off the things I wanted for the public version, so I kept thinking "it'll be ready in a few days."

Basically you should never trust me when I give a deadline.

The actual public update will be on the 8th next month (or will it?).


Edit: lmao


No worries...take your time!🐊


No worries. As long as it's a good quality update, then it doesn't really matter :)



This VN kinda surprised me honestly, I don't usually expect much with VNs but the story and characters quickly grew on me. I always appreciate stories that aren't quite so cut and dry 'these people good good and these people bad' so I was quite pleased with how the dissent between pervaders and the watch is handled, especially with Jymsar. I also like the MC a lot, it's nice when characters are intelligent and can effectively communicate their thoughts without being too overbearing, plus who doesn't like a buff cougar. The magic system also feels quite well defined and unique to me, and definitely brings some added intrigue in addition to the characters' current predicament. I think the only qualms I have with it is the writing near the beginning feels a little rough compared to the rest, and some of the sprites are a tad bit less flattering. Definitely looking forward to more though

is NSFW only in Simulacrum or not cause I feel like Simulacrums are side stories and if it is so then how many and any new ones coming in the future?


There will be NSFW content in the main story, with Alen and Jymsar, and perhaps other characters.

New simulacrum stories will be added every 2-3 months. There will be a new simulacrum story soon, but it will only be available to Patreon supporters for 2-3 months.

(1 edit) (+5)

I would like to thank GigaSaddle for the great VN. It is an enticing story, the characters are captivating and the  world building is mind-blowing. This is backed by the gorgeous artwork. I was already a fan of GigaSaddle, but this made have a greater appreciation for his work.  There some very good VN out there, but few impressed me in this way. 

Although I'm eager to dive more in the story (the naughty bits too), I understand that this craft take time. I'm happy to wait. Good things like this VN should not be hurried.

At last, if GigaSaddle read this, I would like to thank you. Because of this VN I regained my interest in Digital Arts and Storytelling I thought was dead.

As soon as I can, I'll try to give this masterpiece financial support. 

Again, thanks GigaSaddle.


Thank you! Very kind words, and I'm very happy that I managed to inspire you.


Heeeyyoo! So umm... Not that I'm complaining i mean, i really got addicted to this VN to the point where i haven't slept yesterday but is Alen and Jymsar romancable? 0///0

Words cannot express how much i wanna romance Jymsar >w< 


Then you will be pleased to learn that you can romance either Alen or Jymsar.

(2 edits)

Ooooooh, thank you sooo much !! I just can't wait to truly engage in both their routes (NSFW contents <3 )

Also, will Alen and Jymsar be the only romance-able characters ? And do you think that more characters will show up in the Simulacrum ? 


Alen and Jymsar will be the only true romance-able characters, though you might get to have fun with other characters in the main story.

As far as the Simulacrum goes, lots of things can happen in there. Depending on how things go and player feedback, we might see old and new characters be featured in the future, though some characters aren't likely to be featured (so far: Harren, Gemmaborg, Chilas, Jymsar).


Fellow anatole simps rise up!

(Do you reckon we'll see simulacrum content for him or not?)


Probably! There is a scenario I have in mind for him which might be added retroactively to the events of Vale Gheryon.


haha! I was just about to type about how much I loved him x3

Where can I find the save files on Windows?


Should be here:
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Pervader


When I first saw Alen, I fell for him immediately. OMG! His warm smile, his reassurance, his maturity, his father-figure-like, his fur, his bearish. his arms, and his lower part (of course) I love it all. Would there be an intimate and private session with him? Please please please please make one. I do wish to have him by side, cuddling all day long.  Also, the sceneries are great, evoke imagination and bring myself to the world. I give four thumbs.  In the end, I just want to have Alen, thank you for making such a character. Looking forward to your update.


You will get to know Alen very closely over the next several updates. He might even show up in the simulacrum...


Oh, sweet. I hope he will be. (Desperately hoping)

(1 edit)

Huck is hot, I thought he would also be doing stuff in the simulacrum...Oh well Jonah is fine.


We might see more of Huck in the simulacrum at some point.

Oh that's going to be nice haha

(1 edit) (+1)

bruh can't download with itchio application xd



Hopefully this will get a update soon. Hopefully not too long from now.


Got an update


Thank you so much for the game hope to see the continuation


Of course! We still have a lot of story left to go through, so don't you worry.


just to give my opinion about the Simulacrum scene. I think that in this kind of scene you need more than only one picture but they dont need to be very different. For me three pictures is a must have ( i l try not to spoil by saying it like this) : one out (before action) --> one in (during it) --> and a "coming" one (i think you know what i mean ^^) --> maybe even a out one after action but it is optional. It is only my opinion but i think it will look way better while not requirering a lot of efforts since it s basically just variations of the main picture. Great work on that update anyways ^^


I assumed the the game would have gay relationships that were built on rather than these what if scenarios that are completely unrelated. Between the bickering of the characters I don't feel that we're getting anything resembling a romance. Instead we get what if you were a whore as the game's representation of gay relationships.


The story in the Simulacrum is not going to be the only gay relationship in the game. Reamus can become involved with either Alen or Jymsar.
Pervader mainly revolves around the plot of Reamus' affliction, while romance is a B-plot. Much of the early game deals with learning about the world and getting to know Alen and Jymsar, before leaping into their intimate stories. After the next story update, there will be more direct romance signaling between Reamus and Alen/Jymsar.


Loved this update! It's a shame we won't be seeing any nsfw content in the main story though.

Has GigaSaddle approved this? Are you sure about this?


We will have NSFW content in the main story, but it's quite a bit later on down the line.


That was a fantastic update! I'm hyped for future ones!

Seems that I can't download the new update.


Can you explain in more detail?

Not sure if a link/screenshot will work here, but this is what I see when trying to install after not being able to update it


This might be an issue with the itch app. Other people seem to have encountered the same error on other pages:

Try downloading using a browser instead.

Worked for me. Thanks!

Hey there! Excited to play the new update but I can't seem to find my save files to back them up. I am using Mac and tried with the package contents but can't seem to locate them. Anyone knows where they are?


I don't use a Mac, so my knowledge is limited. Your save files should be in


RenPy was the keyword! Had some trouble finding the Pervader folder through search bar. Thanks!

Congrats on your writing btw. I enjoy it a lot!


Thank you!

If you get creative and know how to create links from the "terminal" window you can force save games to go to apple cloud storage if you're attempting to play on multiple devices. (you'd have to create the same links on both and I don't recommend trying it if you aren't comfortable in command line)

Thanks for the tip! I used to be comfortable using Terminal but I have lost practice since I stopped studying comp. science. I will consider it though! I appreciate the support. 


Jymsar's dad 🥴🥴

This update will satisfy you🥴🥴


So....who the romance option. Also is this a high fantasy with fairies and magic books or is it low fantasy

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

The bear and the black leopard are the romance options.
Pervader has a bit of high fantasy and a bit of magical realism.

fingers triple crossed for a weekend update


Update 0.5 is currently live for Patrons. It will be released to the public this Sunday.


You have no idea how hype i am now!


My thoughts and criticisms

The worldbuilding of the story is really well done, that I can say. I also appreciate the characterization especially with characters like Harren and Jymsar. 

The art is also a fresh thing to see, but I can't help but notice that in earlier parts of the story, Alen pretty much has this same expression. Either that or I am blind. The music is also really nice to hear. You can feel its ominous and eery vibes sometimes and more than often, it's calming to hear. 

The writing style personally feels decent, but boring. I feel as if it would be nice if we could see a bit more showing rather than telling, though to be fair, things are different with books and visual novels. 

I also find it boring how Alen becomes this info dump character who tells Reamus everything about magic. While telling the audience of info about your world is important, doing it too much may sometimes cause the readers to be bored out of it. Some of the information presented isn't even utilized properly (such as the scene about the sigils and their shapes and what they mean.) Instead of creating a captivating experience for the readers, info dumps like this often cause the story to be some quite ~interesting~ lecture instead ( or something). 

As for the MC (or Reamus), though it's just my opinion, I'd like to see him characterized a bit further than the simple nice guy in the story who's interested in magic. It's nice to get to see his thoughts over on dialogue, but I hope to see Reamus of being his own unique character.

These are all my opinions, though. Please take it all with a grain of salt, but I also hope it helps a bit. 

Also more pics of reamus please thanks jk


Thank you. I appreciate the feedback!


It's been a "few" days and nothing. Is there a delay or something?


Clearly. It would be nice if Gigasaddle gave us something though :(



will there be an option to skip the nsfw parts?

or are they integral to the plot if they are i assume they will have an image can there be an option to hide said image


The new NSFW content will be completely optional side content.

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